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Yura Art Shop
Welcome to our shop, showcasing powerful photographs by Gaza's talented photographers. Each purchase directly supports these artists, providing vital financial relief and amplifying their voices to share their stories with the world.
Gaza Habibti
The "Gaza Habibti" project aims to gather the works of photographers from Gaza.
Available in A4, A3 and A2 sizes
Gaza Habibti
Main Collection
we bring together photographers from diverse backgrounds to showcase and sell their work.
Available in A4, A3 and A2 sizes
Main Collection
We curate images from the worlds of documentary and photojournalism.
Digital format only
Shop - Legel Notice
We are a non-profit company dedicated to promoting the work of our members and reinvesting the proceeds for the benefit of the community. We share profits equitably with our photographers, ensuring that 50% of the revenue goes directly to them, while the remaining 50% is used to support the sustainability of our work and the community projects run by our company. All our products are specifically designed for non-profit organizations and institutions that benefit the community and are not commercial in nature